Happy ,dedicated ,devoted & focused employees have higher productivity than those who are stressed out,fighting fatigue and have alignment like body pain, Insomnia,Indigestion ,Migraine/Headache etc.

 The Corporate yoga program unleashes dormant potential of the employees while boosting their health.

Corporate yoga program is the best way to reduce the stress of employee & re-charge.

The purpose of corporate yoga is very simple, it is to transform the tension and fatigue in workplace to alertness, stamina & greater productivity .By doing yoga the stress levels are reduce and it creates more healthy hormones in the body and improves immune system.

During the last hundred years or so, the way of life has changed greatly throughout the world. The social system and other system are no longer the same as they used to be an ancient time. In modern era we are suffering from throat cutting competition for earn the money. So that the mind of man has lost the point of balance and material survival that we are not aware of what has been happening to us.

Within the last century or two, diseases have sprung up with new dimension, expression and manifestations and this has reached a peak in the last decades. Now we are faced with a new epidemic of stress- related disorders caused but our inability to adapt to the highly competitive pace of modern life.

Psychosomatic illnesses such as Diabetes,hypertention,migrane,asthma,Ulcer,digestive disorders and skin diseases arise from tension in the body and mind. The leading cause of death in major countries ,cancer, and heart disease occur due to tension.

During the regular classes participant follow a sequence of yoga posture and breathing exercises they will learn a different way and method for relaxation such as Yoganindra, Antarmouna, Cooling pranayama, nap sleep therapy, alpha meditation, fear therapy etc.

Yoga and Meditation affects brain cells specifically in our limbic nervous system (base of brain), which controls :


Blood pressure


Heart rate and

Our emotions

Endorphins (pleasure giving hormones) are secreted.